Common Stocks and Common Sense provides detailed insight into common stock investing, using a case-study approach based on real-world investments. Author Edgar Wachenheim is the 28-year CEO of Greenhaven Associates, boasting an average annual portfolio comparable to Warren Buffet's. In this book, he shares his knowledge and experiences by providing detailed analyses of actual investments made by himself and other investors. The discussion covers the entire investment process, including the softer, human side, with candid insight into the joys and frustrations, intensities and pressures, and risks and uncertainties. The unique emphasis on behavioral economics and real-world cases set this book apart from the herd—but it's Wachenheim himself and his deeply-examined perspective that elevates the book beyond a mere investing guide.
Between 1990 and 2014, a typical portfolio managed by Wachenheim enjoyed an average annual return in excess of 18%, achieved using relatively conservative stocks and no financial leverage. As a proponent of evidence and example, his analysis of real cases serve as a valuable education for anyone looking to improve their own investment practices.
Investment principles and strategies are easy to find—entire libraries have been written about theories and methods and what 'should' happen. But this book goes beyond the typical guide to show you how these ideas are applied in the real world—and what actually happened. Investors seeking real insight, real expertise, and a proven track record will find Common Stocks and Common Sense a uniquely useful resource.